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Tuesday, September 24

10:00am HST

Workshop: Specialty Crop Community Databases and Breeding Data Management Tools
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm HST
In this interactive workshop, participants will be provided training on how to use Rosaceae (GDR, www.rosaceae.org), Vaccinium (GDV, www.vaccinoum.org) and Citrus (www.citrusgenomedb.org) specialty crop databases resources, as well as the Breeding Data Management tools, BIMS (www.breedwithbims.org), and the Field Book App for phenotype data collection. Using a case-study approach we will focus on how to use these integrated resources most efficiently for research and crop improvement efforts, how to apply FAIR data principles to sharing and submitting research data to these databases at the time of publication and facilitate a robust dialogue between researcher, breeders and the development team on needed improvements and long-term sustainability options for these resources.

This interactive workshop will bring together researchers and breeders to accelerate research and crop improvement in specialty crops. It will provide training and feedback on how to most effectively use the NIFA SCRI and National Research Support project 10 (NRSP10) funded Rosaceae, Citrus, and Vaccinium specialty crop databases and breeding data management resources (BIMS and Field Book), learn how to follow FAIR data principles, foster better two-way communication for increased feedback from researchers on further development of these resources, and continue to build a robust community around these research and crop improvement tools. The trainers include users and developers of these resources, ranging from early career to well-known and respected research enabling resource generators.

The Genome Database for Rosaceae (GDR), Genome Database for Vaccinium, and Citrus Genome Database (CGD) offer critical resources and tools to enable genomic, genetic, and breeding research for fruit, nut, and ornamental crops of great economic importance to the U.S. In addition, BIMS (BreedwithBIMS.org) and the Field Book APP provide widely used tools for managing plant breeding program data. While these resources are heavily used worldwide, many researchers are unaware of the full potential of using them and how they can contribute their own data for wider recognition and reuse. This interactive workshop aims to bridge this knowledge gap by providing hands-on training for specialty crop researchers on how to best use these resources and contribute their data. The workshop will also solicit ideas from participants on how to improve these databases and discuss the various options to make them sustainable in the long term. The workshop will bolster the utilization of integrated big data, promote future data sharing, and ensure that data is FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

The workshop aims to bring together researchers to accelerate research by more effective use of specialty crop databases and breeding data management resources, encouraging data submission at the time of publication, and gaining feedback from researchers. Through hands-on training, participants will become more familiar with the database resources and breeding data management tools, learn how to submit their data, and provide essential input for improving these databases and their long-term sustainability.

  • Dorrie Main, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States
  • Cameron Peace, Washington State University, Horticulture, Pullman, WA, United States

  • Dorrie Main, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States
Introduction to the Workshop and Specialty Crop Research Databases (15 mins)

  • Jodi Humann, Washington State University, Horticulture, Pullman, WA, United States
How to efficiently use integrated genomics data and tools for research (20 mins)

  • Sook Jung, Washington State University, Horticulture, Pullman, WA, United States
    How to efficiently use integrated genetics data and tools for research (20 mins)

  • Nahla Bassil, USDA ARS, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR, United States
    How to efficiently use integrated germplasm and genotype data for research (15 mins)

  • Trevor Rife, Clemson University, Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, Florence, SC, United States
    How to use the Field Book App for phenotypic data collection (15 mins)
  • Sushan Ru, Auburn University, Auburn, United States
    How to use the Breeding Information Management System, BIMS, for Crop Improvement (20 mins)
  • Cameron Peace, Washington State University, Horticulture, Pullman, WA, United States


Cameron Peace

Washington State University
avatar for Dorrie Main

Dorrie Main

Professor, Washington State University
I am a member of the Pullman Charter School Initiative team and am particularly interested in how to set up and maintain a thriving Washington State Charter School to serve the needs of Eastern Washington students.

Sushan Ru

Auburn University
avatar for Jodi Humann

Jodi Humann

Research Associate, Washington State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm HST
Coral 2

1:29pm HST

Ornamental Plant Breeding (OPB)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:29pm - 2:00pm HST
Create Novel Interspecific Hybrids between Tuberous Begonia and B. semperflorens by Using Embryo Rescue Technique - Yen Ming Chen
Breeding the Unbreedable: Innovating the Generation of Sterile Triploid Lantana through Open-Pollinated Interploidy Crosses - Brooks Parrish
Tetraploid plants of Samanea (Albizia) saman on diploid roots grew similarly to mixoploid and diploid plants on diploid roots while tetraploid plants on tetraploid roots were inferior to triploid plants on triploid roots - Alberto Ricordi


Brooks Parrish

University of Florida
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:29pm - 2:00pm HST
South Pacific 2

1:30pm HST

OPB - Create Novel Interspecific Hybrids between Tuberous Begonia and B. semperflorens by Using Embryo Rescue Technique
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:30pm - 1:40pm HST
Genus Begonia is prominent ornamental bedding and potted flower crop, encompassing types such as Rieger Begonia (Begonia Ă— hiemalis), Tuberous Begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida), and B. semperflorens, which are extensively cultivated. Building upon the breeding methodology of Rieger Begonia, this study endeavors to utilize Tuberous Begonia as the maternal parent and integrate the attributes of B. semperflorens to develop innovative interspecific hybrid varieties. Interspecific hybridization was accomplished by using Tuberous Begonia 'Fortunate' as the female parent and B. semperflorens as pollen donor through embryo rescue techniques, resulting in successful interspecific offsprings. Flow cytometry analysis revealed the expected DNA content combination in the hybrids. Furthermore, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis confirmed the authenticity of the interspecific hybrids by exhibiting specific bands of both parents. The plant type, basal branching habit, and leaf shape of the hybrids resembled those of the male parent, B. semperflorens, while the double flower characteristic inherited from the female parent. Additionally, the hybrids exhibited year-round flowering without requiring photoperiod treatment and showed no apparent dormancy, rendering them suitable for continuous production. These hybrids are also exhibiting robust branching habits and possess distinctive plant traits compared to commercially available Rieger Begonias. They are particularly suited for cultivation in hot and humid regions. Evaluation of production and growth advantages indicated their capability for year-round supply and commercial production. Applications for Plant Variety Rights have been submitted for these hybrids in Taiwan.


National Chung Hsing University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:30pm - 1:40pm HST
South Pacific 2

1:40pm HST

OPB - Breeding the Unbreedable: Innovating the Generation of Sterile Triploid Lantana through Open-Pollinated Interploidy Cros
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:40pm - 1:50pm HST
This study presents a groundbreaking field breeding strategy for Lantana camara, a plant celebrated for its ornamental value yet criticized for its invasive tendencies. Traditional hand pollination techniques for lantana are labor-intensive, as each flower produces only one seed, making the generation of significant populations time-consuming. Although open pollination represents an alternative for seed production, the reliability of generating sterile triploids through interploidy crosses has been questionable. Addressing these challenges, this research innovatively employs open-pollinated breeding between diploid and tetraploid populations to efficiently produce sterile triploid cultivars. The method leverages male-sterile tetraploids for open pollination with female-sterile, male-fertile diploids, yielding 544 triploid seeds within five weeks and proving the effectiveness of interploidy hybridization. Moreover, diploid populations in an all-by-all cross setup produced over 2,000 seeds in the same period, eliminating the need for hand pollinations. Nonetheless, the development of tetraploid breeding lines encountered obstacles due to insufficient pollen transfer, likely resulting from low pollen production, although selfing within hybrid lines remained feasible in an open-pollinated field setting. These findings significantly advance the fields of ornamental breeding and invasive species management, providing fresh perspectives on the cultivation and control of Lantana camara. Demonstrating the capability to rapidly produce large volumes of sterile triploid lines with minimal labor, this study lays the groundwork for the broader availability of non-invasive Lantana camara alternatives in the future.

Brooks Parrish

University of Florida

Zhanao Deng

University of Florida
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:40pm - 1:50pm HST
South Pacific 2

1:50pm HST

OPB - Tetraploid plants of Samanea (Albizia) saman on diploid roots grew similarly to mixoploid and diploid plants on diploid
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:00pm HST
Many legume trees are notorious for their prolific production of seedpods, which are usually large and in many cases stink when cracked open. Such pods affect both the beauty and sensory perception of the tree, and may be slippery and hazardous on walking surfaces. For example, Samanea (Albizia) saman, which has naturalized in many tropical and subtropical places and is commonly known in Hawaii as monkey pod tree, is a favorite landscape tree in Hawaii for its large canopy, especially in parking lots and parks. Unfortunately, this species produces a large amount of sticky pods that stick to shoes and tires, and can create an objectionable mess, a high volume of green waste and high maintenance of parking lots. The seedpods are heavy to rake and can cause damage to lawn mower blades. Seedless cultivars would have no potential to become invasive and their maintenance cost would be much lower. Seed-bearing ornamental plants can be converted to triploid, non-seed-bearing forms, and thereby eliminate their invasiveness and reduce their maintenance. Triploid plants rarely produce functional gametes, because they do not undergo normal meiosis, and the resulting sterility accounts for the economically valuable seedlessness of triploid bananas, limes, and seedless watermelons. Sterile nursery plants can be used for landscaping virtually without any possibility to become invasive. In a field trial at the University of Hawaii Waimanalo Research Station, it was observed that tetraploid plants of Samanea (Albizia) saman on diploid roots grew similarly to mixoploid and diploid plants on diploid roots. These tetraploid plants were developed by treating the apical meristem of diploid seedlings with 0.1% colchicine for 48h. Therefore, the root system remained diploid, while the above ground portion of the plants were tetraploid. However, tetraploid plants on tetraploid roots, grown from seeds harvested from tetraploid induced plants, were inferior to triploid plants on triploid roots. Triploid plants were almost double in size (67% taller, had 109% wider canopy, and 90% larger DAB, n=8). This is the first time that this phenomenon has been documented in Samanea spp.

Alberto Ricordi

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Kenneth Leonhardt

University of Hawaii at Manoa
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:00pm HST
South Pacific 2

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