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Tuesday, September 24

10:00am HST

MKEC - Consumer Shopping Destination Preferences For Outdoor Garden Plants In The United States
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:00am - 10:15am HST
Outdoor garden plants are integral products in the nursery and garden stores industry in the United States. Industry reports indicate that home improvement centers and big-box stores pose a significant threat to small garden centers, nursery stores, and ornamental farmers through price competition while small local ornamental businesses tend to focus on personalized products and services to compete with chain retail stores. Identifying the key characteristics of consumer clusters that influence consumer shopping destination preferences can be useful for industry players to devise efficient marketing plans for their niche markets. This study employs cluster analysis techniques and multinomial logistic regression on the cross-sectional data collected from an online survey of 609 consumers to estimate the influence of consumer economic and socio-demographic characteristics on their shopping destination choices. The results from this study indicate that retail consumers of outdoor garden plants can be categorized broadly into four clusters: home improvement center shoppers (47.4%), big-box center shoppers (13.5%), local garden center shoppers (21.2%), and farmers’ market shoppers (17.9%). This study also finds that age, ethnicity, education, household income, number of children in the household, urbanicity, housing arrangements, and political inclination are useful predictors of shopping destination preferences for outdoor garden plants. This study adds valuable information to the market research literature for the retail ornamental horticulture industry.

Vivek Bist

Agricultural & Natural Resources Agent, University of Georgia

Benjamin Campbell

University of Georgia

Jeffrey Mullen

University of Georgia
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:00am - 10:15am HST
South Pacific 1

10:15am HST

MKEC - Producer Awareness and Treatment of Ambrosia Beetle: Evidence from a Producer Survey
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:15am - 10:30am HST
Ambrosia beetles are creating a larger negative impact on tree crops throughout the U.S. As such, research is on-going to better understand ambrosia beetles and the impact of varying treatment methods. However, little is known about awareness and the treatments currently being utilized by producers throughout the U.S. This research takes an in-depth look at producer awareness, treatments utilized pre- and post-ambrosia beetle infestation, and expenditures associated with treating ambrosia beetles. Utilizing a survey of producers throughout the U.S., most producers were aware of ambrosia beetles; however, treatments to control ambrosia beetles varied considerably. Interestingly, many producers chose not to treat, which implies many producers currently do not see a positive benefit/cost to treat. A reason for lack of treatment could be the lack of consistency of ambrosia beetle infestations as many producers indicated ambrosia beetles were not a problem each year. Further, this research does provide stakeholders with information on what treatment methods are preferred and means to increase information dissemination about new ambrosia beetle treatments.

Ben Campbell

University of Georgia

Adam Rabinowitz

Auburn University

Alicia L Rihn

University of Tennessee
avatar for Julie Campbell

Julie Campbell

University of Georgia
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:15am - 10:30am HST
South Pacific 1

10:30am HST

MKEC - Consumer Awareness, Treatment Perception, and Purchasing Response to Flathead Borer
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am HST
Flathead borers cause extensive damage for specialty crop producers throughout the U.S. As specialty crop producers attempt to mitigate damage, various treatments are being utilized. Furthermore, flathead borers cause damage in landscapes. To this end, this research examines the impact of consumer awareness and perception of flathead borer, consumer views on potential treatments in their landscape and in specialty crop production systems, and how the purchasing decision for a tree, bush, etc. might change given different probabilities of the tree, bush, etc. being impacted by flathead borer. An online survey on a representative sample of U.S. consumers conducted in 2024 found that there is little consumer awareness of flathead borer, but consumer’s recognized damage when shown pictures of what damage looked like. However, consumers had definitive opinions about flathead borer treatments, notably negative opinions about chemical treatments, though this view was heterogenous in nature. Finally, purchase decisions were impacted by the probability of a tree, bush, etc. being impacted, such that consumers were more accepting of a higher probability for minor damage, but a low probability of major damage would decrease the probability of purchase. From this research, stakeholders and researchers get a better understanding of which treatments may have a negative purchasing impact.

Ben Campbell

University of Georgia

Alicia L Rihn

University of Tennessee

Mounata Dahal

The University of Georgia
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am HST
South Pacific 1

10:45am HST

MKEC - Market Research to Reinvigorate the Processed Vegetable Industry using Consumer Sensory Evaluations
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am HST
In an effort to understand perceived quality and purchase interest in processed frozen vegetables vs. their fresh counterparts, consumer sensory evaluations were conducted with Oregon consumers (n=108, 68% female, aged 18 and over). Consumers were served blind coded samples to investigate consumer preference for fresh vs. frozen select processed vegetables in appearance, aroma, color, overall liking, flavor, and texture. Utilizing hedonic scales and just-about-right methodology, consumers both rated their liking for each and assessed the ideal sweetness, texture, and moisture content. Additionally, the survey was used to probe the best strategies for increasing consumer awareness and marketability of processed vegetables and to understand consumer purchasing behavior and motivation when it relates to buying processed vegetables. Consumers also responded to questions about quality, purchase intent and ideal packaging size for processed vegetables. Consumer perception of frozen processed broccoli, while not as high as fresh, was positive. When asked about the characteristics of produce that most influence their purchasing decisions, quality and freshness were the two most important considerations to these consumers. Seventy-five percent responded either yes or depends on the price when probed about their interest in a frozen vegetable and fruit consumer supported agriculture (CSA) model. Consumers were also asked which reasons would most convince them to join a frozen vegetable and fruit CSA. The most frequently chosen options were 1) to support the livelihoods of growers and their communities, 2) frozen produce reduces waste and 3) frozen produce tastes fresher than off season produce. These ideas could be leveraged to encourage consumers to support the purchase of processed frozen vegetables as well as support a subscription service to high quality frozen produce.

Ann Colonna

Oregon State University Food Innovation Center

Edward Peachey

Oregon State University

James Myers

Oregon State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am HST
South Pacific 1

11:00am HST

MKEC - Consumer Preferences for Commercially Available Poinsettia Cultivars in South Mississippi
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am HST
Mississippi State University’s South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station began hosting a Poinsettia Open House in 2021. The goal of this event was to provide retail consumers and commercial producers with up-to-date information about poinsettias currently available for production. The first two events were single day events in early December (December 2, 2021 and December 1, 2022). Due to the success of the first two events, a decision was made to expand the event to two days in 2023 (December 1-2, 2023) and include educational presentations. Photography backdrops with poinsettia enhancements have been provided each year for anyone wishing to use them for Christmas card photos or to simply commemorate their visit. Attendees were given the opportunity to participate in several surveys at each open house. Participants completing a survey were allowed to choose and take home a poinsettia. Attendees were allowed to walk through the production greenhouse, view the poinsettia cultivars, and record their personal favorites. Participants viewed 35, 52, and 40 poinsettia cultivars in 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. In 2021, attendees identified Ice Punch, Orange Glow, Premium Ice Crystal, Superba New Glitter, and Autumn Leaves as their top five favorites. In 2022, attendees identified Superba New Glitter, Ice Punch, Norwin Orange, Prestige Maroon, and Grande Italia as their top five. In 2023, attendees identified J’Adore Soft Pink, Premium Picasso, Christmas Feelings Merlot, Christmas Spirit, and Tapestry as their top five.

Patricia Knight

Mississippi State University

Anthony Bowden

University of Arkansas

Ben Posadas

Mississippi State University

Christine Coker

Mississippi State University

Haley Williams

Mississippi State University

James DelPrince

Mississippi State University

Jenny Ryals

Mississippi State University

Scott Langlois

Mississippi State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am HST
South Pacific 1

11:15am HST

MKEC - Understanding the Characteristics of Ethnic Markets and Help Small Growers to Find Niche
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:15am - 11:30am HST
Many small and socially disadvantaged producers grow fruit and vegetables. These farmers start small to satisfy family needs and support a preferred lifestyle. However, many small and socially disadvantaged farmers aim to be economically sustainable and want to create a feasible operation rooted in their communities. Since 2016, we have gathered information from over 3,000 small and socially disadvantaged farmers in the Southeastern region of the US who seek opportunities to improve wealth and health for individuals and communities. Information includes types of operations, family compositions, and needs of training and assistance. In particular, many of these farmers went through a series of experiential training programs to grow medicinal crops originated in Asia. These specialty fruit and vegetables are not familiar to most of the local farmers, and these specialty fruit and vegetables have high potential to serve as medicinal crops based on scientific studies. This presentation will introduce the components in this series of training linking production to market, financial assessment, risk evaluation, and niche opportunities to improve long-term health outcomes. The presentation will focus on connections and characteristics of ethnic markets, where most of these specialty fruit and vegetables are sold to diverse populations, from cultural and health perspectives. Market prices, consumer behaviors, and communication strategies will also be shared as examples to support small and socially disadvantaged farmers in breaking the barriers to access the ethnic market. Since 2016, this training program has assisted more than 1,000 producers to grow Asian medicinal crops, and successfully engaged in market activities serving diverse customers across the US.
avatar for ChyiLyi Liang

ChyiLyi Liang

WK Kellogg Distinguished Professor and Director of Center for Environmental Farming Systems, NCA&T
My work involves multifunctional agriculture (integrations across production, value added, agritourism, and community engagement), interdisciplinary food systems, and entrepreneurship in general. My programs serve farmers, community organizations, and government agencies particularly... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:15am - 11:30am HST
South Pacific 1

11:30am HST

MKEC - Consumers' WTP on Sustainability Turfgrass Attributes with Consideration of Aesthetic Attributes and Water Conservation Policies
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am HST
This study estimates consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for sustainability turfgrass attributes such as low-input and stress-tolerance attributes, while considering potential trade-off relationships between aesthetic attributes and sustainability attributes. To address our objectives, our study conducts a choice experiment and estimates two mixed logit models. The first model includes low-input, winter kill, and shade-tolerance attributes as predictor variables, and the second model extends the first model by adding interaction terms between aesthetic and sustainability attributes. Another choice experiment is conducted under water policies with various water rate increase and watering restriction scenarios. Results from the mixed logit models show that overall, higher low-input cost reduction, less winter-damaged, and more shade-tolerance grasses are preferred, the direct effect of aesthetic attributes on consumers’ preference is strong, but the indirect effect represented by the interaction terms are generally statistically insignificant. Our results indicate that consumers like to have a pretty lawn, but no strong consideration is given to the aesthetics of their lawn when selecting low-input and stress-tolerance turfgrasses. Our choice experiment under water policy scenarios suggests that water pricing is more effective than watering restriction in increasing consumer demand for water-conserving turfgrasses. Our findings provide useful implications for future research in turfgrass breeding and evaluation of consumer preference for turfgrass. Many researchers have discussed potential degradation of aesthetic characteristics when developing input-saving turfgrass varieties. However, to the best of our knowledge, no earlier studies have investigated the effect of aesthetic deterioration caused by enhanced low-input and stress-tolerance attributed on consumers’ valuation of turfgrasses. Our findings suggest that aesthetic attributes need to be considered when conducting choice experiments for the valuation of the enhanced grasses, but limiting trade-offs may not be as important as enhancing low-input/stress-tolerance attributes when developing future turfgrasses. Another contribution might be the water policy outcomes from our choice experiment. Our experiment finds that the water pricing is more effective than the watering restriction in increasing consumer demand for water-conserving grasses, which could help develop better water policies in the future.

Chanjin Chung

Oklahoma State University

Hyojae Jung

Oklahoma State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am HST
South Pacific 1

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