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Tuesday, September 24

11:59am HST

Genetics and Germplasm 1 (GG 1)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:59am - 1:10pm HST
Chromosome Level Assemblies of Phoenix dactylifera L. 'Medjool' and 'Deglet Noor' - Yoko Hiraoka
Development of Haplotype-Phased, Chromosome-scale Genomes for Pomegranate - Alexander Schaller
In Planta Transformation Efficiency Assessment of Different Agrobacterium Strains and Explant Types in Catharanthus rose - Ting Hsuan Huang
Native Southern Red Aroniaberry (Aronia arbutifolia) Response to Chill Hours in Georgia - Leynar Leyton
Enhancing Ornamental Traits through Induced Polyploidy in Hibiscus hamabo: A Cytomolecular Analysis - Hamidou Sakhanokho
Insights into the Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Wild and Cultivated Spinach - Gehendra Bhattarai
Population Analysis of Wild-type Venezuelan Sabadilla - Luke Czerwinski

Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:59am - 1:10pm HST
South Pacific 2

11:59am HST

Ornamentals/Landscape and Turf 1 (O/LT 1)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:59am - 1:20pm HST
Evaluation of Native Azaleas for Container Production in the Mid-Atlantic - William Errickson
Facilitating Pollinator Conservation in Agriculture: Understanding Grower Needs in Obtaining IPM Certification - Madison Love
Relationship between Soil Water Content, Quantum Efficiency, Stomatal Conductance and Stem Water Potential in Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’ - Lindsey Trinkle
Effect of Coconut Coir and Biochar Media on Ornamental Plant Growth and Nutrient Leaching - Saroj Burlakoti
Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of Marigold Exposed to Different Ratios of Blue Light and Red Light - Anju Chaudhary
Responses of Three Ornamental Species to Saline Water Irrigation - Zirui Wang
Field Performance of Penstemon Species under Deficit Irrigation - Zirui Wang
Responses of Calamagrostis ×acutiflora under Deficit Irrigation - Zirui Wang
avatar for Madison Love

Madison Love

North Carolina State University
My research is uniquely focused on conserving natural resources and fostering environmental stewardship. This is achieved through actively engaging communities in pollinator conservation efforts, supporting growers in adopting integrated pest management (IPM) along with creating pollinator... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:59am - 1:20pm HST

11:59am HST

Weed Control and Pest Management 1/Hemp Research and Extension (WCPM 1/HEMP)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:59am - 1:50pm HST
Evaluating Efficacy of Organic Herbicides on Common Weed Species - Carly Strauser
Evaluating Fall Cover Crops for Enhanced Soil Properties and No-Till Weed Suppression in Chickpea Production in Virginia - Zelalem Mersha
Impact of Cover Crops and Herbicides on Early Season Weed Control and Sweetpotato Storage Root Yield. - Richard Noel Torres
Effects of Row-middle Cover Crops on Strawberry Plasticulture Production - Jeanine Arana
Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp in the Pacific Northwest: Glyphosate Resistance Confirmation and Implications for Crop Production - Albert Adjesiwor
Mesotrione and Simazine-Based Tank-Mixes for Late-Season Control of Doveweed in Bermudagrass Turf - Pawel Petelewicz
Simulation-Based Nozzle Density Optimization for Maximized Efficacy of a Machine-Vision Weed Control System for Applications in Turfgrass Settings - Pawel Petelewicz
Implementing Digital Multispectral 3D Scanning Technology for Rapid Assessment of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Weed Competitive Traits - Tyler Campbell
Farmer Experiences with Soil Tarping Across South Dakota - Hannah Voye

Zelalem Mersha

Virginia State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:59am - 1:50pm HST
Lehua Suite

12:14pm HST

Postharvest 1/Produce, Quality, Safety and Health Properties (PH 1/QUAL)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:14pm - 1:45pm HST
Identification of Genes Associated with the Chilling Prerequisites for Ripening in European Pear - Adwaita Parida
Effects of Cooling Delay and Harvest Maturity on ‘Gem’ Pear Internal Breakdown Development - Janet Turner
Efficacy of Ultraviolet Radiation for Control of the Mucor Rot Pathogen in Post-harvest Anjou and Bartlett Pears - Shawn McMurtrey
Preliminary Insights Into the Effects of Various Technologies of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) “AnsiP®” on Apple Fruit Quality During Shelf Life -William TC Chang
Pre-Storage Ambient Temperature Delay Reduces Lenticel Blotch by Mediating Metabolic Alteration in Cold-Stored ‘Summer Prince’ Apples - Hyowon Park
1-Methylcyclopropene from HarvestHold Fresh® impact on ‘Red Delicious’ apple during cold storage - Ozge Horzum

Randolph Beaudry

Michigan State University
Dr. Randolph Beaudry, Professor, MSU Department of Horticulture (MSc, PhD, University of Georgia). His appointment is 50% MSU Extension and 50% AgBioResearch. His research program includes both regional and international projects and focuses on the physiology of plant responses to... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:14pm - 1:45pm HST
South Pacific 1

12:14pm HST

Vegetable Crops Management 1 (VCM 1)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:14pm - 1:45pm HST
Effect of Biostimulants on Emergence and Growth of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Transplants. - Evan Christensen
Evaluation of Specialty Cucumber Cultivars in a High Tunnel Production System - Jacob Arthur
Are Locally Sourced Biochar and Poultry Litter the Solution to Improving Soil Health and Sustainably Producing Tomatoes? - Emilio Suarez Romero
Is Trellising Beneficial to High Tunnel Melon Yield? - Lewis Jett
Interseeded Clover Does Not Impact Pumpkin Yield - Charlie Rohwer
Protecting New Mexico’s Chile Crops from Curly Top Virus through Agrivoltaics - Mariela Estrada
Integrating High-resolution Satellite Imagery to Monitor Crop Growth and Yield: A Case Study of Japanese Squash and Onion in Hollister, California - Elia Scudiero
A New Tool to Manage Water and Nutrients in High Tunnel Tomato Production - Rebecca Brown
Physiology of Heat Tolerant Tomatoes: Transplanting Through Harvest - Courtney DeKalb-Myers

avatar for Charlie Rohwer

Charlie Rohwer

Scientist, University of Minnesota
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:14pm - 1:45pm HST

12:19pm HST

Pomology 1 (POM 1)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:19pm - 1:30pm HST
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Survival, Fruit Characteristic, and Thorn Length in Different Varieties of Citrus - Dong-Hoon Lee
Consumer Preference and Willingness-to-Pay for Pawpaw Value-Added Products - Sheri Crabtree
Promising Advanced Selections from Kentucky State University’s Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Breeding Program. - Jeremy Lowe
Assessment of Fruit Quality and Value-added Potential of 16 Pawpaw Cultivars and Advanced Selections - Kirk Pomper
Effects of Temperature and Light on Sunburn, and Preventing the Sunburn Damage by Chemical Suppressants in ‘Fuyu’ Sweet Persimmons - Yunji Shin
Crown Gall Associated with Higher Risk of New Butt Rot Pathogen in California Almond Orchards - Raymond Mireles
Assessment of Biomass and Carbon Storage of Satsuma Mandarin Trees in Jeju Island, Korea - Jee-Soo Park
avatar for Kirk Pomper

Kirk Pomper

Professor-College of Agriculture, Kentucky State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:19pm - 1:30pm HST
Coral 2

12:29pm HST

Viticulture and Small Fruits 1 (VSF 1)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:29pm - 1:40pm HST
Identification and Prevalence of Grapevine Virus Diseases (GVD) in North Carolina - Kimberly Heagy
Learning Sustainable Edible Gardening through Hands-on Approach with Muscadine Grapes - Claude Judy Jean
Creating a Practical Approach for Wine Grape Grower to Predict Grapevine Water Status by Precision Viticulture Technologies - Runze Yu
Effect of Planting Distance on PD Resistant Predominantly Vitis Vinifera Grape ‘502-20’ During the Years of Establishment - Elina Coneva
Genetics of Adventitious Root Formation in Dormant Bud Cuttings of Grapevines - Sadikshya Sharma
Evaluation of Cordon Training System in Blackberry Production - Jayesh Samtani
Enhancing the Fruit Set of NJ BP1-1 Beach Plum (Prunus maritima) - Rebecca Magorn


Claude Judith Jean

University of Florida
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:29pm - 1:40pm HST
South Pacific 4

12:29pm HST

Undergraduate Student Poster 1 (UG 1)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:29pm - 2:10pm HST
A Mentor-Mentee Undergraduate Scientific Communications Course - Danielle Jaden Yamagata Santos
Growth and Volatile Compounds on Thai Herbs at Different Cultivation Systems in Vertical Farming - Akira Kakai
Growth, Anthocyanin Content and Its Gene Expression in Purple Color Paprika Fruit Applying Blue Light at Night - Ryuhei Mitsuzuka
The Effect of Mixing Artificial Seawater into Hydroponic Solution to Tomato Fruit Growth and Ion Contents - Miyuki Baba
Detection of Postharvest Quality of Cut Roses using Vis/NIR Spectroscopy - Ji Yeong Ham
Developing Utah’s Own Sap Drinks - Catherine Sun
Effect Of Temperature Alterations On Phytochemicals Accumulation Among Two Variety Of Feverfew Cultivars - Jalynn Greer
Increased Airflow Improves Yields of High Density Indoor Micro Dwarf Tomato - Matthew Arrington
Assessing the Impact of Urban Environments on the Biomolecular Composition of 'Mosco' Chili Peppers - Kathryn Braun
Growth and Physiology of Three Buckwheat Cultivars under Reduced Substrate Water Contents - Sawyer Zook

Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:29pm - 2:10pm HST
South Pacific 3

1:29pm HST

Ornamental Plant Breeding (OPB)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:29pm - 2:00pm HST
Create Novel Interspecific Hybrids between Tuberous Begonia and B. semperflorens by Using Embryo Rescue Technique - Yen Ming Chen
Breeding the Unbreedable: Innovating the Generation of Sterile Triploid Lantana through Open-Pollinated Interploidy Crosses - Brooks Parrish
Tetraploid plants of Samanea (Albizia) saman on diploid roots grew similarly to mixoploid and diploid plants on diploid roots while tetraploid plants on tetraploid roots were inferior to triploid plants on triploid roots - Alberto Ricordi


Brooks Parrish

University of Florida
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:29pm - 2:00pm HST
South Pacific 2

4:59pm HST

Technology (TECH) - Poster
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:59pm - 5:50pm HST
Growth-promoting Bacteria in Improving the Biophysical Parameters of Cherry Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.)  - Henrique Oliveira
Promoting Controlled Environment Agriculture Activities At Campus-Wide Events - Kent Kobayashi
Rapid Detection of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Utilizing Novel Full-Spectrum Imaging and a Hyperparameter-Tuned Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - Pauline Victoria Estrada
Puʻuhonua Kauluwehi: Maui Wildfire Rapid Response Strategies for Agroecosystem Resilience and Community Well-Being - Nicolette van der Lee
Enhancing Hot Pepper Quality and Yield through Smart Irrigation Strategies - Harmandeep Sharma
Spraying Drone Efficiency: A Comparative Study of Application Rate and Surfactant Addition - Lucas Sales
avatar for Nicolette van der Lee

Nicolette van der Lee

Program Manager, University of Hawaii Maui College
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:59pm - 5:50pm HST
South Pacific 2

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