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Tuesday, September 24

8:00am HST

Plenary Welcome and ASHS Awards Ceremony
Tuesday September 24, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am HST
Tuesday September 24, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am HST
Coral 3

9:00am HST

Keynote Speaker: Heidi Leianuenue Bornhorst
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am HST
"Native Hawaiian Plants for Landscaping, Xeriscaping and Conservation"
Presented by Horticulturist and Arborist, Heidi Leianuenue Bornhorst

Heidi Leianuenue Bornhorst is a Horticulturist and Certified Arborist specializing in native Hawaiian plants, Horticulture, Xeriscaping and Restoration of native habitats.
Heidi has an M.S. in Horticulture and a Certificate in Public Administration. She is a speaker and garden writer.
She has worked in Leadership positions in public gardens, including the Hale Koa Hotel, Honolulu Botanical Gardens, (Foster, Wahiawa, Liliuokalani, Koko Crater, and Ho`omaluhia), and as Horticulturist at the Honolulu Zoo. She has also worked at the National Tropical Botanical Garden on Kaua`i, Lyon Arboretum, U.H. Manoa and Kupuna for Hawaiian Studies, DOE.
She is a landscape design and maintenance Consultant, with her company Pruning for Productivity, helping people grow their Dream Gardens (and be practical and scientific too), and as an Arborist, providing right sizing and professional pruning of valuable fruit trees.
She is the O`ahu Coordinator for the Breadfruit Institute helping with `Ulu tree distribution, Horticulture, proper tree trimming, and long-term care and maintenance.
Heidi was a founding partner of the Mangoes at the Moana Hotel annual festival, where she spoke about caring for and proper pruning and planting of mango trees, a judge in the Best Mango tasting contest and Mango recipe contest. Our goal: A Fruit tree in every Hawaii Garden!
She got her start as a Volunteer at Foster Garden, and as an Apprentice Gardener at the National Tropical Botanical Garden. She holds a B.S. and M.S. from U.H. Manoa. She was an apprentice gardener at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania, and at the RHS Wisley Botanic Garden in England.
She authored the book:  Growing Native Hawaiian Plants and wrote the Hawai`i Gardens column for the Honolulu Star Advertise for 30 years.
She was the Garden expert on ‘the Morning Garden’ early morning KITV.
She is a noted public speaker, expert tour guide, and Hike leader.


Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am HST
Coral 3

10:30am HST

Tips for Building Your Personal Brand While Here in Paradise: Session 3
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am HST
In this workshop section, we'll delve into the essential strategies for students and early career professionals looking to establish their professional brand. Crafting a distinct identity is crucial in today's competitive job market, and we'll explore techniques tailored to graduate students' unique experiences and aspirations. From honing your elevator pitch to leveraging your academic accomplishments, we'll cover the fundamental elements of personal branding. Additionally, we'll delve into the increasingly vital role of social media platforms in shaping professional reputations, offering insights on how to navigate and optimize these channels effectively. Whether you're aiming for a career in academia or industry, this workshop will equip you with practical tools to kickstart your journey toward building a compelling professional presence.
avatar for Julie Campbell

Julie Campbell

University of Georgia

Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am HST
Coral 3

11:30am HST

Professional Behavior Traits (Pono) for Career Transition Success: Session 4
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm HST
In the section focused on professional behaviors, we'll delve into the often-overlooked yet critical nuances that can make or break a student or early career professional's transition into the professional realm. From mastering email etiquette to navigating the intricacies of multigenerational workplaces, we'll provide invaluable insights to help you navigate diverse professional settings with confidence. Understanding the expectations surrounding communication, both written and verbal, is essential, and we'll offer practical tips on crafting professional emails that leave a positive impression. Moreover, we'll explore the dynamics of multigenerational workplaces, where varying communication styles, work habits, and values converge. By fostering an understanding of these differences and learning effective strategies for collaboration and communication across generations, you will be better prepared to thrive in today's diverse and dynamic job market.

Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm HST
Coral 3

4:00pm HST

AI Innovation for Horticulture - Part 1
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm HST
Sponsoring Professional Interest Groups
Technology: Coordinator Milt McGiffen - milt.mcgiffen@ucr.edu
Teaching Methods: Coordinator, Kathryn Orvis – orvis@purdue.edu
Controlled Environment: Coordinator, Kent Kobayashi - kentko@hawaii.edu

Supporting Professional Interest Groups
Federal Partners: Matthew Mattia - Matthew.Mattia@usda.gov
Plant Biotech: Kedong Da - kda@ncsu.edu
Ornamentals/Landscape and Turf; Youping Sun - youping.sun@usu.edu
Local Food Systems: Charles H. Parrish II - chip.parrish@pm.me

Artificial intelligence and related topics, e.g., robotics, have been a long time coming in agriculture. For decades there have been predictions of intelligent robots replacing humans, and large farms run by a few humans with many autonomous tractors and other devices. But with the now widespread use of artificial intelligence in everyday life,
the moment has arrived. We developed this colloquium by casting a wide net out to all the Professional Interest Group Chairs, and have assembled talks and demonstrations from general topics to specific applications.

Two online meetings were held, where Professional Interest Groups officers and those interested suggested speakers and discussed topics. Further discussions over email helped fill in the details to create this colloquium.

We will have a block of speakers for the diverse topics we present below, as well as panel discussions on how AI is and can be incorporated into various aspects of Horticulture, so that there is ample time for questions and discussion.

Title: Overview of the Colloquium

Speaker: Milt McGiffen, Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences,
University of California, Riverside, CA.

AI in Ornamentals

Title: FloraCount: An App for Rapid Assessment of Pollinator Attractiveness to Annuals and Perennial Plants.

Description: Customers are interested in buying annuals and perennials that support pollinators. Protocols for rapid assessment in flower trail evaluations are not available. We have developed a mobile app that can be used to analyze in real time the users’ observational data and quantitatively rank the relative utility of observed cultivars to pollinator communities. This app takes into account pollinator groups, relevant floral characteristics and landscape.

Presenter: Harland Patch
Assistant Research Professor
Department of Entomology
Penn State University
549 Ag Sciences & Industries Building
University Park, PA 16802

Title: Approach to Biodiversity Protection: Employing AI and IoT Systems for the
Containment of Box Tree Moth Proliferation.

Description: The box tree moth (BTM, Cydalima perspectalis) is an invasive pest first confirmed in Niagara County, New York in 2021. This invasive pest can significantly damage and potentially kill boxwood (Buxus species) plants if left unchecked. This presentation describes our advances in combining deep learning algorithms for enhanced computer vision with IoT-enabled smart traps, to facilitate the early detection and continuous monitoring of BTM populations and to protect the prevalent ornamental boxwood in U.S. landscapes.

Presenter: Yanqiu Yang (she/her)
Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
3 Agricultural Engineering Building
University Park, PA 16802

Title: Landscapes from Words: The Future of Landscape Design with AI.

Description: The ongoing text-to-graphic artificial intelligence (AI) revolution has the potential to change the field of Landscape Architecture dramatically. The ability to produce original high-quality graphics, manipulate the viewer's perspective of images, and amend the rendering style through text inputs are significant advancements that will
inform new design process models. These changes can lead to expanded design exploration, improved accessibility for non-designers to contribute to creating visual concepts, enhanced ability to integrate data analysis and visualizations, and streamlined collaboration between clients and project stakeholders using a shared visual language. This talk focuses on two dimensions of change that may result from the rapid evolution of text-to-graphic AI, including (1) faster iterations and exploration of design options and (2) the advancement of methods that result in more inclusive and responsive design. In the classroom, students are just beginning to acknowledge the existence of text-to-graphic AI, which allows them to experiment with text-based design options that allow them to quickly visualize and explore a wide range of site program alternatives. Nevertheless, how do we manage the ethical and creative boundaries within an academic setting? In a research context, methods supporting rapid manipulation of both generated images and existing landscape photography represent advances that allow for greater collaboration surrounding landscape design decisions (Incorporating resilience strategies, protecting vernacular landscape elements that support a sense of place, or representing new design proposals that modify the landscape). These approaches allow stakeholders to gain remarkable advances in influencing the design process through shared visualization development. However, as with any emerging technology, practitioners, educators, and researchers need to respond to the challenges presented by text-to-graphic AI by developing and testing new design process models and public engagement techniques that can improve landscape decision-making and streamline collaboration.

Presenter: Aaron Thompson
Assistant Professor
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Purdue University
625 Ag Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Title: Developing Guidelines for Extension’s Use of ChatGPT and Other Generative AI

Description: A new technological era marked by the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT has necessitated the need to navigate this domain with a compass of ethicality, safety, and effectiveness. Penn State’s experience developing guidelines for Extension’s use of
generative AI tools which will be shared and discussed.

Presenter: Michael Masiuk
Assistant Director – Horticulture Programs
Penn State Extension
342 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Panel: 30 minute panel with the above speakers, to allow time for Q&A and discussion.

Moderator Speakers
avatar for Kent D. Kobayashi

Kent D. Kobayashi

Interim Dept. Chair, TPSS Dept., Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa
avatar for Harland Patch

Harland Patch

Penn State University
Dr. Harland Patch focuses his current research on understanding the behavioral and molecular mechanisms associated with pollinator host plant choice, and the structure of plant-pollinator communities. Dr. Patch is also involved in ongoing projects to determine the interacting causes... Read More →

Kathryn Orvis

Professor, Purdue Univ
avatar for Yanqiu Yang

Yanqiu Yang

PhD candidate, The Pennsylvania State University
Yanqiu YangFounder & AI Lead Engineer at bioWatch | PhD Candidate at PSU | President-Elect of the Ag & Bio Engineering Graduate Student Council (GSC)Hi there! I’m Yanqiu, and I’m on a mission to bring cutting-edge technology to the fields and orchards. As the Founder & AI Lead... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm HST
Coral 3

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