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Thursday, September 26

8:00am HST

VCM 4 - Watermelon Rootstock Variety Trial to Understand the Impacts of Grafting on Watermelon Yield and Fruit Quality
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:00am - 8:15am HST
In California, watermelon grafting has been gaining tremendous popularity over other graft-eligible vegetable commodities especially among large-acreage growers. To maintain viability and continued popularity of grafted watermelons in California, we conducted a watermelon rootstock variety trial in 2023 to evaluate the impact of different types of locally popular rootstocks on watermelon yield and quality. Seven watermelon rootstocks, grouped into three distinct types: Interspecific hybrid squash (Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschata), Citron (Citrullus amarus), and Bottled gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), were grafted with a 45-ct field scion, ‘Warrior’ by a commercial greenhouse located in Mills River, NC. All grafted and non-grafted seedlings were then mechanically transplanted into a commercial field near Modesto, CA on 19 April 2023. The trial was arranged as a randomized complete block design with four replications for each treatment. Each plot was 24 m long and contained 13 triploid plants, either grafted or not, alongside four grafted or non-grafted pollenizers. Four harvests were conducted from 25 July to 17 Oct with the help of farm crew. Total yields at each harvest and fruit quality from the first harvest were recorded and compared among rootstock-scion combinations. For quality assessment, fruit length and width were measured with a yardstick. Sugar content (ºBrix) was measured by scooping the central flesh of each halved fruit using a portable reflectometer. Flesh firmness was evaluated using a fruit penetrometer, with measurements taken at spots located one-third and two-thirds of the distance from the blossom end after halving the melon. Rind thickness at the blossom and stem ends were measured using a digital caliper. The overall impact of grafting resulted in an average increase of total yield by 51.5% compared to the non-grafted control (54.7 vs. 36.1 tons per acre) with the most significant difference occurred at the second harvest (27.0 vs. 14.8 tons per acre). Differences of fruit quality between grafted and non-grafted watermelons were primarily observed for fruit firmness. The significant increase of firmness (4.9 vs. 3.4 kg.cm-2) for grafted fruit was also confirmed based on the results of taste sensory evaluation. Slight increases of fruit width and stem end rind thickness after grafting were also found. No changes of ºBrix after grafting were detected. Overall, grafting has proven to be a reliable method for enhancing watermelon yield and maintaining fruit quality in California. Continuous needs assessment will be performed to monitor any pressing issues of watermelon grafting in California.

Fayrouz Buojaylah

University ofr California, Cooperative Extension Stanislaus County

Zheng Wang

Univ. of California Cooperative Extension
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:00am - 8:15am HST
Coral 2

8:15am HST

VCM 4 - Effect of Biofungicides Containing Trichoderma and Grafting on Watermelon Productivity and Plant Health
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:15am - 8:30am HST
The goal of the project is to evaluate the potential of reducing chemical fumigation in California's watermelon production using grafting and Trichoderma-based biofungicide. Two field experiments in 2022 and 2023 were implemented within commercial watermelon fields in Stockton and Modesto, CA. Each trial included three rootstocks (Cobalt, Flexifort, and RS841) grafted onto a 45-ct scion (Summer Breeze). Two Trichoderma-containing products were applied to the grafted and nongrafted seedlings through tray soaking at one day before transplanting or field chemigation at 30 and 62 days after transplanting (DAT). The application rates for soaking and chemigation were 45 g.75 L-1 of water and 2.2 kg.ha-1, respectively. All seedlings were mechanically transplanted during mid-May of both years into a split-split plot design with the Trichoderma product as the main factor and application method as the sub-plot. All treatments were replicated four times. Each treatment row was 18.6 m long and contained ten grafted or nongrafted triploids and three grafted or nongrafted pollenizers. Vine health was visually assessed three times for symptoms associated with soil-borne fungal pathogens. Canopy coverage was measured starting at 22 DAT in 2022 and 40 DAT in 2023 and thereafter at an approximate interval of two weeks for a total of six measurements. Harvest was conducted three times in 2022 and twice in 2023 to analyze yield and quality differences among treatments. Runner and root samples were taken amid the harvest and shipped to the UC Davis Fungal Pathology Lab for further identification. Results indicated that the Trichoderma-containing bio-fungicides were not as effective as grafting on preventing vine decline and maintaining canopy coverage in both trials. The synergistic effects of grafting and Trichoderma inoculation provided some but limited benefits to plant health compared to the single factor of grafting. The overall influence of biofungicides on yield was also less notable than that of grafting regardless of application method. For fruit quality, grafting dominated the impacts over biofungicides on fruit firmness and rind thickness in both trials. Charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) with other putative co-infestations of Fusarium pathogens were diagnosed from nongrafted inoculation-free plots in 2022 while no significant soil-borne diseases were identified from 2023. Overall, grafting with multi-pathogen resistant rootstocks prove to be a reliable method for enhancing watermelon yield while maintaining crop health. More work is still needed to further explore the optimal application protocols tailored to grower’s farming system to maximize the effects of biofungicide.

Fayrouz Buojaylah

University ofr California, Cooperative Extension Stanislaus County

Zheng Wang

Univ. of California Cooperative Extension
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:15am - 8:30am HST
Coral 2

8:30am HST

VCM 4 - Canary Melons Cultigen Yield and Quality Evaluations in North Carolina, 2023
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:30am - 8:45am HST
Canary melons, Cucumis melo var. inodorus, are grown in the United States, with most acreage produced in California and Arizona. There is very limited production acreage in the southeastern United States, including North Carolina. No statistics are gathered by USDA on canary melons as this type of melon is truly a specialty melon. The goal of this study was to determine how well adapted canary melon cultigens are with respect to yields and quality when grown in North Carolina and to gauge the possibilities of producing this crop as a commercial option in the state. Fourteen cultigens were evaluated from eight different seed companies for yield and size over 16 harvests, flesh firmness and sweetness, and shape and rind characteristics. Statistical design was a randomized complete block with four replications and mean separation across measures was conducted using a LSD test at the P

Jonathan Schultheis

North Carolina State University
Jonathan Schultheis is a Professor in the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University. He has worked exclusively with North Carolina State University for over 35 years. He research and extension work primarily involves cucurbit crops and sweetpotatoes. Key... Read More →

Andrew Pfefferkorn

North Carolina State University

Baker Stickley

North Carolina State University

Brandon Parker

North Carolina State University

Stuart Michel

NC State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:30am - 8:45am HST
Coral 2

8:45am HST

VCM 4 - Watermelon Cultigen Yield Response to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Incidence in North and South Carolina, USA
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:45am - 9:00am HST
Fusarium wilt of watermelon, caused by the soilborne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (FON), is a major disease impacting the watermelon industry. FON can severely reduce yields and is easily dispersed. Cultivar resistance is a desired control strategy due to high fungicide and grafting costs. In 2021 and 2022, triploid watermelon cultivars were evaluated at two locations (Clayton, NC and Charleston, SC) for their tolerance to FON. Eight common cultivars were evaluated for disease incidence and yield at both locations in both years. In 2022, two unreleased cultigens were also evaluated at both locations. All studies used a randomized complete block design with four replications. ‘Fascination’ grafted to ‘Carolina Strongback’ rootstock was included as a control each year. Disease incidence was measured every week starting three weeks after transplanting and until the first harvest at each location. Fruit weights and counts were taken to measure yield. In 2021, ‘Fascination’ had the lowest disease incidence at 75% in NC and ‘Embasy’ had the lowest incidence at 15% in SC. ‘Joy Ride’ had 100% incidence in NC and ‘Shoreline’ had the highest incidence in SC at 68%. Yields correlated with disease incidence with ‘Fascination’ having the highest yield of the ungrafted treatments in NC with 17,878 lb/ac (pounds per acre) and ‘Embasy’ with 22,687 lb/ac in SC. ‘Shoreline’ was the lowest yielding at both locations with 6,556 lb/ac in NC and 5,376 lb/ac in SC. The grafted ‘Fascination’ treatment had the lowest disease incidence and the highest yield at both locations in 2021. In 2022, the unreleased cultigen HMC633802 had the lowest disease incidence at both locations with 50% in NC and 51% in SC. Of the eight common cultivars, Fascination had the lowest incidence in NC at 83% and El Capitan had the lowest in SC at 52%. ‘Shoreline’ had the highest incidence at both locations with 100% in NC and 94% in SC. Yields correlated with disease incidence. Unreleased cultigen HMC633800 had the highest yield of the ungrafted treatments in NC with 15,575 lb/ac and Powerhouse had the highest yield in SC with 27,243 lb/ac. The grafted ‘Fascination’ treatment had the lowest incidence and highest yield at both locations in 2022. The cultigens we evaluated provided minimal tolerance to FON in both years.

Stuart Michel

NC State University

Anthony Keinath

Clemson University

Jonathan Schultheis

North Carolina State University
Jonathan Schultheis is a Professor in the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University. He has worked exclusively with North Carolina State University for over 35 years. He research and extension work primarily involves cucurbit crops and sweetpotatoes. Key... Read More →

Lina Quesada

North Carolina State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:45am - 9:00am HST
Coral 2

9:00am HST

VCM 4 - Effect of Biostimulants on Field Grown Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) under Deficit Irrigation and Fertility.
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 9:15am HST
The impacts of climate change and drought threaten water supplies crucial for watermelon production. Rising fertilizer costs and off-site effects also pose problems for the sustainability of watermelon production. Biostimulants shown promise in helping plants maintain production under deficit irrigation conditions and may offset fertility addition through ecosystem services and stimulatory effects. In this study two watermelon cultivars (Crimson Sweet and Fascination) were treated with three biostimulant products (Mighty Mycorrhizae, Spectrum DS, and Continuum) and then subjected to reduced fertility (67% of recommended rate) and irrigation (75% evapotranspiration). Raised beds covered in plastic mulch were used with rows spaced 1.83 meters apart and plants 0.61 meters apart within rows. Growth metrics and stages were recorded and compared among treatments. Watermelon fruits were harvested at maturity over a one-week period and yield was compared. The final biomass was measured after harvest. Statistical analysis is ongoing, and a second year of this field trial will be completed in August 2024, allowing for final conclusions to be drawn.
avatar for Evan Christensen

Evan Christensen

Utah State University

Dan Drost

Utah State University

Youping Sun

Utah State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 9:15am HST
Coral 2

9:15am HST

VCM 4 - Development of the winter artichoke production system in a subtropical climate
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:15am - 9:30am HST
Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) belongs to the sunflower family and is cultivated for its flower buds. Being adapted to Mediterranean climates, artichoke plants require adequate winter chilling for flower bud induction and yet is susceptible to freeze damage. Because of these climatic requirements, nearly 100% of artichoke production in the United States currently comes from California. Insufficient winter chilling is among the major environmental constraints for artichoke production in subtropical and tropical climates. We started this study in 2015 with the goal of developing artichoke as a new winter crop in Florida. First, we developed a protocol for artificial flower bud induction using a plant hormone, gibberellic acid (GA3). With the optimum rate and timing, GA3 application is highly effective in inducing bud formation, irrespective of winter chilling. Second, we evaluated eight cultivars based on earliness of bud formation, yield, and bud quality. ‘Imperial Star’ and ‘Green Queen’ were selected as the most promising cultivars in Florida, with the maximum yields of 17.3 and 11.8 t ha–1, respectively. The current artichoke production guide provides recommendations on GA3 application, cultivars, planting configurations, plastic mulch, and basic pest management. In 2023, artichoke was grown on about 12 hectares in Florida using the production guide we developed. We are currently testing additional hybrid cultivars and assessing nutritional values and postharvest quality to enhance the viability of artichoke as Florida’s new winter crop.

Shinsuke Agehara

University of Florida

Weining Wang

University of Florida
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:15am - 9:30am HST
Coral 2

9:30am HST

VCM 4 - Globe Artichokes - Variety Trials for Florida Production and Marketing Evaluations
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:30am - 9:45am HST
The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a large thistle crop of the Asteraceae family, native to the Mediterranean. Globe artichokes are a large, leafy plant, with edible component as an immature flower bud. With production dominated by California, Florida can provide a new commodity for southeastern growers while reducing our carbon footprint. Globe artichokes have not been a traditional crop in the state of Florida, even as a garden variety. This study demonstrates the need to focus on varieties for the subtropics. We evaluated the best performing artichoke variety in addition to the retail favorite by curb appeal. Within a farmer's market survey, more than 80% of shoppers voted for 'Green Queen' amongst five other varieties (Imperial Star, Green Globe Improved, etc.). It also represented the highest yielding, at 12,707 lbs/acre, followed by 'Imperial Star' at 11,484 lbs/acre. An artichoke was valued at $4 each globe, while the flower was $5 per stem during the Mother's Day market. The demand continues from chefs and newly transplanted retail shoppers.
avatar for Evelyn

Evelyn "Prissy" Fletcher

Faculty - UF/IFAS Lecturer, University of Florida
I am a lecturer and academic advisor for the Soil, Water and Ecosystem Sciences Department. My research and extension background included alternative crop assessments for Florida growers, insecticide fate and transport in citrus and phosphorus nutrient management in artichokes. These... Read More →

Kelly Morgan


Shinsuke Agehara

University of Florida CALS
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:30am - 9:45am HST
Coral 2

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