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Thursday, September 26

11:30am HST

CHMG/HIH/PUBHORT - Curated Literature as Continuing Education for Master Gardener Volunteers
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 11:40am HST
There has long been demand from the Master Gardener population for approved continuing education credit for reading specific literature. This program aims to fill that gap while defining a clear scope of acceptable reading material and demonstrable learning. A quarterly suite of reading materials was made available to program participants through email. Participants have one quarter (3 months) to read the materials and complete a quiz through Qualtrics. Participants who successfully completed the quarter were awarded one hour of continuing education toward their annually required minimum. Results from the first quarter of the study indicate positive change in knowledge across all areas surveyed from pre- to post-. For the first topic, tree care and planting, participants were asked to rank their knowledge about proper planting techniques, factors affecting decline in trees, selecting appropriate planting sites, identifying tree problems, and managing storm damage to trees. In all areas, at least a few participants reported not being knowledgeable at all prior to completing the educational materials. When asked about their knowledge after completing the materials, no participants reported this level of lack of knowledge. The greatest improvements were seen in the areas of knowledge about identifying tree problems and managing storm damage to trees. When asked about knowledge of managing storm damage to trees prior to completing the educational materials, 43.6% reported being not at all knowledgeable, 30.8% reported being slightly knowledgeable, 23.1% reported being moderately knowledgeable, and 2.6% reported being very knowledgeable. After completing the materials, 12.8% reported being slightly knowledgeable, 48.7% reported being moderately knowledgeable, 33.3% reported being very knowledgeable, and 5.1% reported being extremely knowledgeable. The assessment also included open-ended questions that asked participants to envision how they would put the knowledge to use in their volunteer roles. More research is needed to determine if knowledge gained from literature review is both worthwhile and feasible for volunteer development and continuing education. The study is being conducted over the course of a year, with participants able to opt out of any quarter they do not feel inclined to participate in. First quarter results show high participation and high knowledge gain, but more information is needed to see if engagement and knowledge gain remain high after the initial novelty period has worn off.
avatar for Alicia Herzog

Alicia Herzog

Iowa Master Gardener Program Coordinator, Iowa State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 11:40am HST

11:40am HST

CHMG/HIH/PUBHORT - A Landscape Performance Evaluation of Sun-Loving Impatiens x hybrida in Mississippi
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:40am - 11:50am HST
A long-standing favorite for shade gardens, Impatiens remain a popular choice for home gardeners who crave the multi-colored bloom options and long season performance. Many varietal choices currently exist for incorporation of these garden favorites into sunny locations. Full sun coupled with high heat and humidity of the deep South can add layers of challenges when growing Impatiens. A variety trial of sixteen cultivars of ‘sun safe’ Impatiens was conducted in Mississippi USDA hardiness zones 8b and 9a. Selected varieties of the SunPatiens® and Solarscape® series were procured as unrooted cuttings in the Spring of 2023 and after rooting and growing out in 3.25” pots, they were planted in the landscape as four 2-plant reps in full sun at two locations. These trials were conducted at the Mississippi State University South Miss Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville, MS and at the MSU Truck Crops Experiment Station in Crystal Springs, MS. Evaluations of flowering quality, plant health and overall landscape performance were made every two weeks on a 1-5 rating scale (5 = top rating). Irrigation was provided via drip tape daily. The summer of 2023 saw some of the driest and hottest weather observed in recent years at these locations with many days recorded over 100 degrees F. Results from the two trial sites showed the same two cultivars with the highest average numerical rating: SunPatiens® Classic White and Blush Pink (results not significant). This variety trial is expected to be expanded to include additional cultivars and locations in 2025.

Scott Langlois

Miss State University

Shaun Broderick

Mississippi State University

Tricia Knight

Mississippi State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:40am - 11:50am HST

11:50am HST

CHMG/HIH/PUBHORT - Evaluation of Selected Commercially Available Tabletop Hydroponic Systems and Their Performance on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Growth Characteristics
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:50am - 12:00pm HST
With increasing urban populations and limited arable land for horticultural production, food security is becoming a growing concern worldwide. Hydroponic systems, defined as cultivation techniques involving soilless media, offers a potential solution to enhance food security by increasing urban food production. For this study three tabletop hydroponic systems, viz., iDOO, INT, and MUFGA were used for cultivating of Rex butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Three seeding trays, with 200 cells each embedded with rockwool were sowed 9 days before being transplanted into the hydroponic units. Growth parameters were recoded for 6 weeks, viz., plant height, and leaf number, length, and width. Visual rating (1 through 10) were also recorded. Additionally, the pH and the electrical conductivity (EC) of the nutrient solution were monitored. Following the harvest, fresh weight and root length were recorded. The data collected was subjected to ANOVA. Results indicated that plants grown in MUFGA unit were significantly (p

Leonard Githinji

Virginia State University

Julia Kabbani

Virginia State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:50am - 12:00pm HST

12:00pm HST

CHMG/HIH/PUBHORT - Needs Assessment Evaluation to Inform Statewide Horticulture Newsletter
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:00pm - 12:10pm HST
The Kansas State University Horticulture Newsletter is distributed to over 5,000 subscribers on a weekly basis for 50 weeks every year. The purpose of the newsletter is primarily educational, informing Kansas residents of the proper timing for garden-related tasks such as planting and maintenance. Other timely hot topics such as disease, pest monitoring and control methods are also provided. In January 2024 a needs assessment was deployed to all subscribers to evaluate their gardening behaviors and newsletter preferences. Almost 200 subscribers responded during the six weeks the needs assessment was available. Results indicate the primary audience is female (62%) over 60 years old (65%). Most subscribers (57%) use the newsletter to support their home gardening practices while 28% use it to support their community. Seventy-five percent of subscribers access the newsletter through the email distribution. Readers were asked their preferences for content they would like to receive in the newsletter. Thirty percent of subscribers rank vegetables as the topic of highest importance. The second highest ranked topic (18%) is garden spotlight content which features specific gardening practices of gardeners across the state. Sustainable gardening practices is the topic most requested to be added into future newsletters. This presentation will share details about providing an electronic resource to support gardeners and extension agents statewide.

Cynthia Domenghini

Kansas State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:00pm - 12:10pm HST

12:10pm HST

CHMG/HIH/PUBHORT - Master Gardener Volunteers Learn Basic Plant Research Through the A.R.T.S. Rose Evaluation Program
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:10pm - 12:20pm HST
Modern consumers prefer to purchase shrubs and trees for the home garden that can be sustainably grown without using preventative insecticides and fungicides. Roses, which are known to be high-maintenance plants, often requiring these preventative fungicides and insecticides for optimal garden performance. The American Rose Trial for Sustainability (A.R.T.S) program seeks to determine growth data of new rose cultivars that will hopefully require fewer preventative inputs. This trial was one of 13 locations from multiple regions across the country. Seventeen unknown rose cultivars were grown during 2022–2023 and 20 additional cultivars are being grown in 2023-2024, with no additional inputs beyond sufficient irrigation. Plants were installed in production beds amended with ammoniated pine bark and top-dressed with shredded pine bark mulch. A completely randomized block design with one replication per block, with 3 blocks was used. A rating system provided by the A.R.T.S. program was used and based on forty-five percent flowering, forty-five percent foliage health, and ten percent plant form. Plants were evaluated twice monthly from April through November by 2 two-person Master Gardener teams for 2 years. Evaluations are submitted electronically in real-time directly to the national trial site manager. This trial/research opportunity allows Master Gardeners first-hand knowledge of how basic plant research in conducted. The regional and national winning selections from will be released at the conclusion of each two-year trial.
avatar for Jeff Wilson

Jeff Wilson

Mississippi State University Extension
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:10pm - 12:20pm HST

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