Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am HST
In an effort to understand perceived quality and purchase interest in processed frozen vegetables vs. their fresh counterparts, consumer sensory evaluations were conducted with Oregon consumers (n=108, 68% female, aged 18 and over). Consumers were served blind coded samples to investigate consumer preference for fresh vs. frozen select processed vegetables in appearance, aroma, color, overall liking, flavor, and texture. Utilizing hedonic scales and just-about-right methodology, consumers both rated their liking for each and assessed the ideal sweetness, texture, and moisture content. Additionally, the survey was used to probe the best strategies for increasing consumer awareness and marketability of processed vegetables and to understand consumer purchasing behavior and motivation when it relates to buying processed vegetables. Consumers also responded to questions about quality, purchase intent and ideal packaging size for processed vegetables. Consumer perception of frozen processed broccoli, while not as high as fresh, was positive. When asked about the characteristics of produce that most influence their purchasing decisions, quality and freshness were the two most important considerations to these consumers. Seventy-five percent responded either yes or depends on the price when probed about their interest in a frozen vegetable and fruit consumer supported agriculture (CSA) model. Consumers were also asked which reasons would most convince them to join a frozen vegetable and fruit CSA. The most frequently chosen options were 1) to support the livelihoods of growers and their communities, 2) frozen produce reduces waste and 3) frozen produce tastes fresher than off season produce. These ideas could be leveraged to encourage consumers to support the purchase of processed frozen vegetables as well as support a subscription service to high quality frozen produce.

Ann Colonna

Oregon State University Food Innovation Center

Edward Peachey

Oregon State University

James Myers

Oregon State University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am HST
South Pacific 1

Attendees (4)

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