Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm HST
Successful field cultivation of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in Florida is restricted to summer months when rainfall is highest, as hemp is exceptionally sensitive to daylength. Given the prevalence of soils in Florida with poor nutrient and water holding capacities, controlled release fertilizer (CRF) could be ideally suited for outdoor cultivation due to its slow-release profile. To assess the effectiveness of CRF to support plant growth while minimizing water quality risks, the plant growth and biomass production of four hemp cultivars (‘Wife’, ‘Sunset Improved’, ‘FunDip’, and ‘Belle’) were evaluated in response to nitrogen and phosphorous availability from ten CRF formulations in Apopka, Florida during the summer of 2023. Plant growth was assessed post-transplant and monthly thereafter until harvest by measuring the height, widest width, and width perpendicular to the widest width of each hemp plant. At harvest, plants were severed at the soil surface and dried at 70 degrees Celsius for three days. For each plant, the total plant biomass and total flower biomass was measured. Significant differences in plant growth and biomass production were found among varieties; however, minimal differences were found in plant growth and biomass production within variety in response to varying CRF formulations. These results suggest that CRF can provide adequate levels of fertility for the growth and development of hemp cultivated outdoors in Florida, and that selection of hemp cultivar affects plant growth and yield.
avatar for Shea Keene

Shea Keene

University of Florida

Ajit Williams

University of Florida

Brian Pearson

Oregon State University

Hardeep Singh

University of Florida

Jehangir Bhadha

University of Florida

Lakesh Sharma

University of Florida
Dr. Lakesh Sharma is an assistant professor of soil fertility and sustainable agriculture at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. Lakesh has been farming since he was a child on his own farm. His academic school journey started in 2000. He is currently working on nutrient... Read More →

Tamara Serrano

University of Florida IFAS-TREC

Winniefred D Sharma

University of Florida

Zachary Brym

University of Florida
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm HST
South Pacific 1

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