Thursday September 26, 2024 11:40am - 11:50am HST
A long-standing favorite for shade gardens, Impatiens remain a popular choice for home gardeners who crave the multi-colored bloom options and long season performance. Many varietal choices currently exist for incorporation of these garden favorites into sunny locations. Full sun coupled with high heat and humidity of the deep South can add layers of challenges when growing Impatiens. A variety trial of sixteen cultivars of ‘sun safe’ Impatiens was conducted in Mississippi USDA hardiness zones 8b and 9a. Selected varieties of the SunPatiens® and Solarscape® series were procured as unrooted cuttings in the Spring of 2023 and after rooting and growing out in 3.25” pots, they were planted in the landscape as four 2-plant reps in full sun at two locations. These trials were conducted at the Mississippi State University South Miss Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville, MS and at the MSU Truck Crops Experiment Station in Crystal Springs, MS. Evaluations of flowering quality, plant health and overall landscape performance were made every two weeks on a 1-5 rating scale (5 = top rating). Irrigation was provided via drip tape daily. The summer of 2023 saw some of the driest and hottest weather observed in recent years at these locations with many days recorded over 100 degrees F. Results from the two trial sites showed the same two cultivars with the highest average numerical rating: SunPatiens® Classic White and Blush Pink (results not significant). This variety trial is expected to be expanded to include additional cultivars and locations in 2025.

Scott Langlois

Miss State University

Shaun Broderick

Mississippi State University

Tricia Knight

Mississippi State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:40am - 11:50am HST

Attendees (4)

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