Thursday September 26, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm HST
Stropharia rugosoannulata (L.), the King Stropharia or Wine Cap mushroom, is a wood-loving fungus that grows well on organic mulches. Some vegetables can be successfully grown using organic mulches like woodchips or straw. As a result, farmers may be able to enhance their income by intercropping Stropharia mushrooms with their vegetable crops. However, no study has been identified that assesses this strategy's potential or effect on vegetable yields. Thus, a Stropharia-asparagus intercrop was evaluated by applying woodchips at three depths (4, 8, and 12 in), and a Stropharia-tomato intercrop was evaluated using woodchips, wheat straw, and soy straw (all at 6 in depth). Both experiments utilized a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications and included bareground controls. The tomato study also included a positive mulch control using black plastic. In the fall of 2021, black plastic, inoculated wheat straw, and uninoculated soy straw and woodchip mulch provided earlier harvest than unmulched plots, while the soy treatments and bareground and black plastic controls increased total fruit numbers. In 2022, overall tomato production decreased, resulting in no marketable fruit. Across both 2022 and 2023 asparagus harvest began earlier with decreasing depths of mulch, and therefore lasted longer. Inoculated plots also produced more marketable spears than uninoculated plots. And, 12 in woodchip mulch significantly inhibited asparagus emergence and is therefore not recommended. These results suggest that a Stropharia-tomato intercrop may not be feasible without additional work, though a Stropharia-asparagus intercrop shows great promise. In fact, in 2023, mushrooms were observed in uninoculated plots demonstrating the gregarious growth of Stropharia in woodchip mulch on asparagus plots. The relative success in asparagus plots supports a need for further research to evaluate other Stropharia-vegetable [or fruit] intercrop candidates and/or strategies to improve compatibility.

Olalekan Sipasi

Kansas State University
Sipasi Olalekan Ayodele is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Horticulture and Natural Recourses at Kansas State University, ONE Champion 2017, Fellow Thinking School Africa, 2016 Winner of the African Youth Award in Agriculture, a seasoned NYSC SDGs Facilitator, The Future Award... Read More →

Calvin Liu

Kansas State University

Jeremy Cowan

Kansas State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm HST
South Pacific 1

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