Tuesday September 24, 2024 5:45pm - 6:00pm HST
Traditional irrigated landscapes and in particular turfgrass dominated landscapes are being challenged across the U.S. due in part to the demand on potable water supplies. So called “ornamental” turfgrass will be outlawed in Nevada by 2027 and efforts are underway in other areas of the desert southwestern states to do the same. Meanwhile, in these areas, aggressive turfgrass removal programs utilizing financial incentives are occurring. This dramatic change is due to water supply associated with the Colorado River and western water supply in general. In the eastern U.S. changes are occurring in new development in North Carolina warm season grasses are displacing cool season grasses in new landscapes. Accordingly the new trend is to install bermudagrass without irrigation. In Florida, numerous municipalities have or are adopting codes mandating a maximum of the landscaped area as 60% sprinkler irrigation, which means turfgrass, and in some municipalities as low as 20% of the landscaped area. The remainder of the landscaped area is filled with a mixture of microirrigated ornamentals, mulched area, or unirrigated turfgrass. Some newer developments are eliminating irrigated turfgrass altogether. The Florida-Friendly Landscaping (FFL) program is uniquely positioned to deliver education relevant to the radical change that is occurring in designed and built landscapes. Many local governments are adopting landscape codes that include or mandate FFL principles. This talk will discuss these trends along with the factors driving this cultural change of landscapes and in particular the use of turfgrass in landscapes. Additionally, the talk will focus on the challenges ahead for landscapes under water supply constraints and how they may impact nonpoint source pollution from urban areas.

Michael Dukes

Professor & Director, University of Florida
Tuesday September 24, 2024 5:45pm - 6:00pm HST
Nautilus 1

Attendees (4)

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