Thursday September 26, 2024 11:55am - 12:05pm HST
After the COVID-19 pandemic, the topic of gardening activities and their impact on stress gained much attention. Undergraduate students often complain of being overwhelmed or stressed, and gardening activities have been shown to reduce stress for some people (Makayla et al., 2023). Therefore, as instructors, we thought it would be interesting to see if undergraduate students realize a benefit from hands-on, horticulture labs. The purpose of this study was to determine if hands-on horticulture activities reduced stress in undergraduate students in a horticulture class at Iowa State University. We investigated the perceived stress of undergraduate students before and after lab activities for Home Horticulture (Hort 121) course. We used a modified ten-question Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to measure and assess students’ stress levels (Cohen, 1983). Four labs (out of 14) were selected for this study. Each lab lasted 50 minutes and included a hands-on, experiential activity. Three lab sections with approximately 25 students in each section, participated in this study. Two of the labs were administered outdoors and two were administered indoors. Students completed the modified PSS immediately before and after these lab activities. Data were compiled and analyzed in Excel. Preliminary results indicated moderate improvement in stress levels by students in all lab sections. In addition, almost all students enjoyed these lab activities. Future data analysis will determine if there are differences in stress reduction between indoor or outdoor lab activities. The results from this study can give undergraduate students alternative stress management practices to help them thrive in stressful times. Practical and effective stress management skills are important for their academic performance and general well-being.

Baylie Weld Latter

Iowa State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:55am - 12:05pm HST
Coral 1

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