Thursday September 26, 2024 12:20pm - 12:30pm HST
Master Gardener Volunteers (MGV) are a highly trained corps of volunteers whose mission is to assist extension agents in providing research-based horticultural information and education to residents. MGV’s accomplish this through participating in a variety of volunteer activities including gardening, youth and adult education, writing articles, testing soil pH, and providing diagnostic services at plant clinics. An objective of this program is that 75% of MGVs will report improved wellbeing as a result of participating in the MGV program. Annual surveys have been distributed from 2019 to 2023 to access the benefits derived from participating in the program both as a volunteer and specifically as a volunteer in a garden setting. Results from 5 years of annual surveys revealed that as a result of participating in the MGV program: 87% (n=168) feel physically healthier; 77% (n=170) experienced reduced levels of stress; 88% (n=171) experienced improved mental health; 78% (n=169) increased social connectedness; 88% (n=171) increased overall life satisfaction; and 91% (n=170) feel they make a difference in their community. When these MGVs were surveyed about their experience specifically volunteering in a garden setting, 90% (n=132) reported improved mental health; 86% (n=136) increased social connectedness; 81% (n=131) increased energy and vitality; 91% (n=132) increased sense of wellbeing; 84% (n=132) improved outlook on life; 96% (n=131) increased physical activity; and 90% (n=131) improved physical health. Volunteers experience improved health and wellbeing from participating in the MGV program and from gardening opportunities the affiliation provides.

Terra Freeman

Urban and Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent, University of Florida
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:20pm - 12:30pm HST

Attendees (7)

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