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Wednesday, September 25

10:00am HST

CHMG 1 - Fruit Classes Teach Invasive Species Management and IPM Practices to Homeowners, Master Gardener Volunteers, and Pesticide Applicators
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:00am - 10:15am HST
Florida's diverse climate offers ample opportunities for cultivating various fruit crops, especially as traditional citrus faces disease challenges. However, accessible information on alternative fruit crops is limited. In response, a series of online classes was initiated in 2020 to address this gap, coinciding with the need for Continued Education Units (CEUs) for pesticide license holders during COVID-19 lockdowns. The objectives of the class series were threefold: to enhance knowledge of fruit crop cultivation in Central Florida, promote the adoption of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in crop selection and care, and provide CEUs for pesticide license holders in Florida. In its pilot year, three Extension Agents developed a five-week class, expanding to a six-week series in 2021 involving five Agents across three counties. Each session focused on BMPs for landscapes and the cultivation of at least three different fruit crops, including discussions on potential invasive pests as well as alternatives to invasive fruit trees that shouldn’t be planted. The classes were conducted via Zoom and archived on YouTube for wider accessibility. Evaluation of the program included a post-class survey to assess knowledge gain and a three-month follow-up to measure the adoption of practices. Over the course of 2020-2023, the series covered care techniques for 29 different fruit crops. The impact of the classes has been significant. Since 2020, 23 episodes have been produced, attracting a total of 2,015 live viewers. Participants earned a total of 361 CEUs. Survey results indicated a substantial knowledge gain, with 96% (1,480/1,540) of respondents reporting increased understanding of the material. Moreover, 79% (195/248) of respondents adopted at least one new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy after taking the class. According to that same survey 48% (98/202) have altered turf to fruit trees, planting a total of 37,477 square feet with edible plants. In summary, the online class series successfully addressed the demand for information on alternative fruit crops in Florida while providing valuable CEUs for pesticide license holders. Its impact is evidenced by increased knowledge among participants and tangible changes in cultivation practices towards more sustainable and diverse fruit production.

Kaydie McCormick

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Morgan Pinkerton

UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County

Tiare Silvasy

UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County

Tina McIntyre

UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County

William Lester

UF/IFAS Extension Hernando County
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:00am - 10:15am HST
South Pacific 2

10:15am HST

CHMG 1 - Invasive Potential of Ornamental Landscape Plants in Southern Arizona
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:15am - 10:30am HST
Plants introduced through ornamental horticulture have contributed to exotic species invasions around the world. Fifteen landscape plants commonly used in horticulture in southern Arizona have been evaluated using the Plant Risk Evaluator (PRE) tool developed by PlantRight and Cal-IPC. The evaluations have recognized eight of these species as presenting high potential risk of escaping cultivation and becoming invasive in Arizona. The process of evaluating ornamentals has fostered communication and collaboration between invasive species managers and Extension horticulture agents, who previously had little interaction. The findings have been communicated through several articles on invasive species in the trade magazine, Southwest Horticulture. This information has contributed to two cultivated species (Searsia lancea and Ulmus pumila) and the entire genus Tamarix being newly added to the Arizona State Noxious Weed List. Arizona Master Gardeners have been educated on invasive plant issues to foster outreach to the public and to aid their planting choices.

Michael Chamberland

University of Arizona
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:15am - 10:30am HST
South Pacific 2

10:30am HST

CHMG 1 - Education on Water Saving Landscaping Practices Results in Measurable Water Conservation
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am HST
Florida is facing critical water scarcity due to population growth. The home landscape is an opportune setting to make changes in practices to conserve water. Extension programs on water conservation in the landscape can provide residents with the information they need to adopt new practices to conserve water. In 2021-2023, UF/IFAS Extension residential horticulture programs in Central Florida, educated 6,474 residents about sustainable landscape practices. Based on client self-reported follow-up surveys (n=342), the annual water savings due to adoption of best landscaping practices was approximately 11.6 million gallons. It saved homeowners $49,977 in utility bills (based on regional value of $4.30 per 1,000 gallons). The most adopted practices included calibrating sprinkler systems to deliver ½ inch to ¾ inch of water instead of 1 inch, reducing irrigation frequency during summer, and reducing irrigation frequency during winter. Adoption is lower for water conservation practices that require installing soil moisture sensors and converting or installing irrigation spray heads. Participants reported (n=342): 35% eliminated irrigation or converted to low volume irrigation, 46% reduced irrigation from 3 to 2 days per week, 45% reduced irrigation frequency in winter, 46% reduced irrigation frequency in summer, 25% using a working rain shutoff device, 37% calibrated irrigation to ½” or ¾” rather than 1” or more. Impacts of changes in household water use multiply when life cycle assessment of a water supply system is considered. The reduction of 11.6 million gallons of residential water use resulted in saving 40,022 kWh of energy and $30,162 in treating and delivering water to the end users, reducing 28 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions, deferring the need for $98,734 investment in alternative water supply infrastructure, and potentially reducing stormwater runoff and avoiding water quality deterioration. The impacts of these water conservation efforts are even greater than the values represented here based on total program attendance. This shows the efforts of extension agents educational programs resulted in measurable water savings to help Florida households conserve water.

Tiare Silvasy

University of Florida
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 10:45am HST
South Pacific 2

10:45am HST

CHMG 1 - Cultivating Connections: Empowering Professionals through NC Farm to School Training Initiative
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am HST
As the Farm to School movement continues to gain momentum, professionals in education, agriculture, and public health are seeking innovative ways to integrate this holistic approach into their practices. In North Carolina, our local, regional, and statewide food system has strengths across various sectors. Local agencies and community organizations now have decades of experience partnering together to maximize opportunities for local farmers and local food businesses. Partnering together, these food system practitioners have clearly begun to see that a systems approach is vital to supporting all sectors and stakeholders, vital to addressing the deep roots of inequity that negatively impacts our communities of color and particularly our children. The central need is in how to facilitate integrated efforts–both across farm to school components and also with multi-sector stakeholders–given that research shows that integration of farm to school programming brings the longest and most significant health and learning impacts on children. Our approach has been to develop the North Carolina Farm to School Training Initiative, a rich space of collaboratively created online content that informs and educates across the farm to school program areas. Through a combination of interactive modules, case studies, and expert-led discussions, our first course, School Gardening, provided participants with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of Farm to School programming. The results from surveying pilot participants suggest numerous impacts, both on an individual and community level. Preliminary results found participants increased their knowledge and gained a deeper understanding of farm-to-school initiatives, including building community engagement through school garden teams, integrating gardening into curriculum, and the horticulture knowledge to successfully grow a garden. Participants improved their practical skills such as gardening techniques and the application of educational programming in the garden. Part of the course included interactive discussion boards and a qualitative review showed a number of themes emerged including that the course participants strongly benefitted by connecting with a group of like-minded educators and community organizers by fostering collaboration and support for farm-to-school efforts. Community engagement was another emergent theme with participants and they named that they would like to become more involved in their local food systems, finding connections with community partners like growers and Extension for access to resources and materials. These results suggest that fostering a community of practice that transcends geographic boundaries and provides localized and engaging content has significant potential to support great professional engagement in farm to school.

Liz Driscoll

Extension Associate, NC State University/ NC Cooperative Extension

Kirsten Blackburn

NC State University

Remi Ham

NC State University
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am HST
South Pacific 2

11:00am HST

CHMG 1 - The gARTening Program: Fostering Community Engagement through Innovative Education
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am HST
Orange County, Florida, an urban county with a boasting a population of 1.4 million residents, faces a distinctive demographic trend with a homeowner rate of 56%, notably below the national average of 64%. This indicates a higher proportion of renters and apartment dwellers within our community. In order to expand the reach of our horticultural efforts beyond the limitations of traditional homeownership and include all residents, our Master Gardener Volunteer Program developed the Garden Art (gARTening) program, aimed to appeal to a wider audience. Beyond mere attraction of new attendees, our focus was to increase: office foot traffic, awareness of UF/IFAS Extension Services, and create a unique hands-on program that maintained affordability while generating revenue. We developed "The gARTening Program," featuring unique garden-related art projects, to achieve our objectives. Classes ranged from 1-2 hours and $5-35, with topics such as terrariums, kokedamas, pressed flower art, and more. Collaborating with Master Gardener Volunteers (MGVs), we created educational materials such as PowerPoints, handouts, and economical shopping lists. Our diverse approach attracted a broad audience, including young families, mother-daughter pairs, couples, and individuals, fostering inclusivity and engagement. The outcomes of the gARTening Program exceeded expectations: • Revenue generated in one year: $3200 • 47% of participants were new to UF/IFAS Extension and had never utilized our services before. • 70% joined due to the unique hands-on experience. • 95% indicated they gained knowledge of UF/IFAS Extension services as a result of attending the workshop. • Additionally, participants showed continued engagement, with many signing up for additional classes, volunteering with 4-H or becoming an MGV, and promoting our services to others. The gARTening Program not only met, but surpassed its objectives, illustrating its efficacy in community engagement and revenue generation. By offering unique experiences, we heightened awareness of UF/IFAS Extension Services, attracting new participants and fostering long-term engagement. The program's success underscores the potential for innovative education methods to address funding challenges while advancing community outreach and awareness. This model holds broader implications for enhancing community well-being and supporting sustainable organizational growth.
avatar for Clarissa Chairez

Clarissa Chairez

Extension Faculty, UF/IFAS Extension Orange County
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am HST
South Pacific 2

11:15am HST

CHMG 1 - Welcome Home to Gardening in Tennessee: Reaching New Audiences with New Collaborative Outreach Models
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:15am - 11:30am HST
New residents in the state along with new gardeners are an increasingly large Extension audience. As our Extension horticulture team discussed the challenges in individually addressing these questions and meeting the needs of these new stakeholders, we realized new models and resources were needed. While Extension has a great array of publications and resources on lawns, landscapes and gardens, there wasn’t a publication that provided a good entry point for those new to the region or gardening. So, we set out to develop a ‘gateway publication’ to provide a general overview and connect folks to further resources without being overwhelming. A magazine format with easy to digest 2-page spreads on the most common areas of gardening was developed titled “Welcome Home: Gardening in Tennessee.” To extend the reach and impact of this new resource and engage Extension agents and stakeholders across the state, our horticulture team developed a new outreach program that paired live, distance teaching with local hands-on labs and activities. In October of 2023, we had a 5-session workshop series where new residents could come to their local office for an hour of teaching from our best horticulture content folks and then take part in a hands-on teaching demonstration with their local agriculture Extension agent. Nearly 300 participants in 32 counties took part in the series. Evaluation data revealed that over 70% of attendees had attended no or very few prior Extension programs. With a fee of only $30-50 locally, attendees reported a value of over $950 received from information delivered in the class. This presentation will focus on the novel delivery model and evaluation data along with perspectives on opportunities and challenges in reaching these new Extension audiences.

Natalie Bumgarner

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Andrea Ludwig

University of Tennessee

Anna Duncan

University of Tennessee

Celeste Scott

University of Tennessee

Gregg Upchurch

University of Tennessee

Haley Treadway

University of Tennessee

Justin Stefanski

University of Tennessee

Lee Rumble

University of Tennessee

Melody Rose

University of Tennessee

Mitchell Mote

University of Tennessee

Seth Whitehouse

University of Tennessee

Taylor Reeder

University of Tennessee

Virginia Sykes

University of Tennessee
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:15am - 11:30am HST
South Pacific 2

11:30am HST

CHMG 1 - Enhancing Backyard Fruiting Cultivation Efficacy Through Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Techniques for Homeowners
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am HST
Florida's distinctive subtropical climate renders it a haven for the average backyard gardener. Yet, numerous homeowners grapple with challenges in cultivating dooryard fruits, often due to incorrect planting times or a dearth of expertise. Recognizing this, the University of Florida/Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has introduced the Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM program, illuminating nine core principles. These guidelines equip homeowners with the necessary methods and techniques to optimize plant growth and development. As we continue to increase resident population daily from various parts of the world, educating homeowners on these principles, can significantly elevate their chances of realizing their cultivation aspirations.
To meet the persistent demand for edible landscapes, a series of enlightening workshops unfolded across Flagler, Putnam, and Volusia counties. These sessions honed in on sustainable management strategies tailored for cultivating delectable fruits like blackberries, mulberries, goji berries, and citrus varieties. Spanning two to three hours, participants delved into a comprehensive curriculum covering optimal planting and harvest timings, varietal nuances, cultivation methodologies, fertilizer selection, integrated pest management protocols, and the significance of hardiness zones. These workshops roamed through the tri-county region, shining a spotlight on local agricultural enterprises engaged in the production or promotion of sought-after backyard fruits.

This collaborative initiative not only bolstered our overarching educational goals but also catalyzed a surge in agrotourism intrigue. As each program reached its conclusion, attendees departed armed with two plants of their preference and a wealth of resources, poised to lay down the groundwork for thriving cultivation endeavors.
22 Program participants indicated the following as measured via post evaluation survey:
Participants indicated a 73% (n=16) implementation plan for Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM (FFL) principle of "Right Plant Right Place” as they continue in their gardening endeavors.
Participants indicated an 82% (n=18) knowledge gain on cultivar selection, soil testing, and importance of fertilization.
64% (n=14) of program participants shared a plan to continue backyard fruit production using the information disseminated during this program.

Brittany Council-Morton

UF/IFAS Volusia County Extension

Claude Judy Jean

University of Florida
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:30am - 11:45am HST
South Pacific 2
  Oral presentation (Individual talk), Consumer Horticulture and Master Gardeners
  • SUBJECT Consumer Hort and Master Gardeners
  • Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) 16) implementation plan for Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM (FFL) principle of "Right Plant Right Place” as they continue in their gardening endeavors. Participants indicated an 82% (n=18) knowledge gain on cultivar selection, soil testing, and importance of fertilization. 64% (n=14) of program participants shared a plan to continue backyard fruit production using the information disseminated during this program.
Friday, September 27

3:30pm HST

O/LT 3 - The 2023 Arkansas Diamond Plant Evaluation Trials
Friday September 27, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm HST
Arkansas’ research-backed plant assessment initiative known as "Arkansas Diamonds" aims to educate local gardeners on annual bedding plants that consistently thrive in Arkansas's climate. Moreover, it serves to bolster local growers and independent garden centers within the state. Facilitated by the Arkansas Green Industry Association (ARGIA) and the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture (UADA), this collaborative effort engages county agents across Arkansas in annual demonstration plots. In 2023, thirty county agents partook in the statewide evaluation of four annual plant species. Each agent received nine replicants of each species and conducted monthly measurements of height, width, flower quality, and overall health. These findings, integral to the selection process, contribute to designating certain plants as "Arkansas Diamonds," signifying their suitability for the state's gardens and green industry. After evaluations, the selected plants are grown by ARGIA members and marketed on a statewide basis to encourage home gardeners and the landscape industry to incorporate these plants into their home landscapes and support the local green industry and independent garden center within the state.

Anthony Bowden

University of Arkansas

Randy Forst

University of Arkansas
Friday September 27, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm HST
South Pacific 2

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